Sunday, September 18, 2005

Rome: DAY 6

September 18, 2005

Last night in Rome was an event called “White Nights” Notta Bianca as we say in Italian of which I still stutter on Hello.  This is a huge thing here.  The whole town stays up all night and all the museums are free, also many concerts, performances, and other events as a gift to the people of Rome.  They say it attracts a crowd of over l million people.  These mass deals are generally not for me, but Kim wanted to go so even though it looked like a big thunderstorm was on the way.  We took a cab down to a restaurant that we had been to in Trastevere and thought we would join the revelers after dinner.  By the time we got out of the cab it was pouring.  Luckily, the gate guy at the Academy had given us his umbrella.  We had called the restaurant earlier to make a res, but there was no answer.  That should have been a clue for us. It was not open.  But what do we know, the last time in Rome it was great.  So, there we were with the wrong clothes on and only one umbrella that had been rescued from the Italian/Ethiopian wars and the street starting to flood.  No problem, you go six doors down the street to Marie’s place.  It was a good if not great and lucky choice.  Good eats and lots of fun.  There was a large group of French guys in the back and they had a singer who was terrific, so we also had entertainment.  So, we are finished and it is still pouring.  No cabs and most events certainly washed out.  That was it for Notta Bianca, I knew the way home and so we walked up our hill in the rain, soaked but happy.

It is just about time to get to my work.  I will have a meeting with the Program manager sometime this week.  I am sorry that no one took me up on the idea of a paper making demo, but I also plan to ask if I might take the group to either Fabriano or some other small hand mill in Italy.  Kim and I will go no matter what.  Also, I hope to get into see some of the very old papers in manuscript form at the Vatican.  I’ll discuss my new monoprint program with the arts director, Dana Prescott.  So it should be getting busy. Kimberly will be doing the heavy lifting on where we go after November 7.  More later, as she engages in the hunt.

We continue to explore Old Rome, yesterday the incredible Theatre Marcellus and the Temple of Apollo.  When we came down the street from the theatre we ran into a restaurant called Vecchio Roma.  We  loved it when last here.  Rene Thorpe told us that it was her Dad’s favorite.  We will save it for some big occasion.  Instead, we went to a small wine bar down the street, filled with Romans and had a wonderful small meal.  An interesting and fun day it was.  I am tired by the end of the day.   Lots to still do.

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