Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Story of Writing the Story

February 21, 2006

It is February and we are in Hawaii.  We have been coming here for the last seven or eight years to spend a week with Kim’s sister Kelsey and her husband Matt.  Because we were in Italy, we did not get here at the same time they were here.  It is a little strange without them because Matt has been coming here since childhood and Kelsey for about 20 years.  They know everyone on the staff and take over the bar that looks west into the always-glorious sunset. We miss them and their friends, Jill and Dave.   Our spot is up on the North end of Maui above Kaanapali and right next door to the big resort at Kapalua.  The people here are all older with a smattering of people with kids.  I always think I am among the younger guys but not anymore. 

This year because we came home early from our Roman experience, my daughter and her two girls are with us.  They were supposed to visit us in Italy but we returned home before their expected visit so this is their makeup trip.   She has added to the mix her “friend” Sean.  I am hoping they all have fun.  This week in Hawaii is always a very relaxed week with very few plans and an easy cadence that makes it feel like a real vacation.

Normally it is warm with an occasional afternoon warm shower but this year it is very cool and it is raining on and off throughout the day.  Apparently, they have had very little rain in Maui this year and the natives welcome it, but I would prefer the sun and warmth that I associate with this place.  Yesterday, I went down to play golf on the North Course at Kaanapali and in the 7 or 8 miles to the South the temp was warmer and there was no rain.  The afternoon was windy but fair and I was able to swing freely.  Maybe I should warm up before playing because it sure helped my game to be looser and warmer.  I love those really hot days in Sonoma with the temperature up around 95 and very little humidity.  The course, which is set-up for lots of play, is rather easy and wide open.  I finished strong with 2 pars in the last three holes.  My first score of the year in the 80’s!  The big surprise today is that my nagging shoulder still hurts and my body feels the effects of playing 18 holes of golf.  I played squash late last week and as usual I am still feeling the effects of that in my hips and knees.  I am going home with a resolve to lose at least 10 pounds to see if I can reduce the effect on the knees.  I somehow cannot give up squash but must limit myself to no more than two matches a week.  It is the sweetest of games and even with my diminished skills still about the best fun for me. 

I am getting lots of help from Kimberly, her nephew Tobin and the inimitable Michael Kahn.  Dr. Kahn is my meditation advisor, sometime therapist, older brother and wise man who is helping me get to a better place.  They are encouraging, prodding, and shoving me forward with my project undisclosed in this blog until now.  I am going to try to turn my Italian daily journal into a rather personal book with the themes of aging, death, artistic struggle, and the joy of transitory moments. It should be an interesting project.  I think I can do it but it will be a tough assignment.  I am just crazy and egocentric enough to think I have something to say.  The strategy is to see if Kim and I can produce an outline so that I have something to start the project.  Then using the raw material of the journal see if there is enough meat to get a manuscript together that someone would publish.  I expect to get some help from daughter Diane who is in the publishing business.  Tobin O’Donnell, the aforementioned nephew, is a poet and writer and has already given me sound advice. Kim is my spirit guide, editor, and my center.   Dr. Kahn has encouraged me since the outset of the blog to keep writing and posting this journal.  I do think it is a wonderful way for me to express myself.  It is a struggle for a crusty old guy who hates the aging process to make it through a complex and altogether sweet life.  That may sound like a contradiction but I do know how lucky I am.  I am intrigued by how it is going to go.  My intention would be to use this journal to tell the story of writing the story.

Kim and the rest of the girls are at the hula class and I get to write.  It is another one of those high notes. 

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